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WRIGHT Cyril Ernest a:wright cyril ernest|k:will (ernest) (3)



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    Author: WRIGHT (Cyril Ernest)


    C c I ) ‘i WRIGHT (Cyril Ernest). English vernacular hands from the twelfth to the fifteenth centuries. [With a bibliography.) (OEford Palaeographical Handbooks.) pp. xx. + 24 ÷ 24 facsimfles. 80. ford, 1960. [Another copy.J, (1’eprintci.>- (Ox±’ord Palaeopraphical Handbooks.) pp xx, 24. Bibliograph and facsimi1es, CWa Oxford, 1969.

    Card ID: 85

  • card

    Author: WRIGHT (Cyril Ernest)


    c1 (‘pci’ WRIGHT (Cyril Ernest). Huinfrey Wanley: Saxonist and library—keeper... From the Proceedings of the British Academy, Volfune XLVI. (British Academy. Sir Israel Gollancz Memorial Lecture, 1960.) pp. 99—129. Portrait. 8 London, 11961]. Catalogued from the wrapper.

    Card ID: 87

  • card

    Author: WRIGHT (Cyril Ernest)


    + C1s’ 0L1 - WRIGHT (Cyril Ernest). e EThUiNGLISH MA1iUSCR]PTS I1 FACSIMII. Early Enii$h aanuscripts in facsimile, etc. 5. Bald’s ieechboo: British Museum Royal manuscript, 12D.xvii.Edited by C.E. Vright. With an appendix by R.Quirk. copenhagej 1955.

    Card ID: 89