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WP John a:if john|k:in (john) (7)
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WP, John
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MING, William Patterson
Author: WP (John)
DEPOSTTORY - GiWP (John). Life of Cardinal Wolsey...Third edibion, wIth addit1iona1 illustrations, etc. fEdited, with biographical memoir of the author, by W. Hazlitt,.] (European Library.) pp. c. + 444.[L.I. 8°London 1846.
Card ID: 148
Author: LEDERER (John)
LcI LEDERER (John). The Discoveries of John Lederer [translated frola the Latin by Sir William albot), with unpublished letters by and about Lederer to Governor John Afinthrop, Jr. and an essay on the Indians of Lederer’s Discoveries by D.L. Rights and W.P. Gumming. Edited with notes by PI.P. Cumming. [With a bibliography.) pp. xi. + 148. Facsimile and maps. 8°. Charlottesville, Va. and Winston— Salem4 N.., 1958.
Card ID: 342
Author: HERVEY (John)
P7&o HERVEY (John) Baron Hervey. An Epistle from a nobimnan lLord Hervey) to a doctor or divinity [Doctor Sherwin), in answer to a Latin letter in verse JONES (William PD) Sawney and Colley, 1?’+2, andother Pope pamphlets. (Tit foD tat. To which is annex’d an epistle from a nobleman to a doctor of divinity. W.P. 2ones. Los Angeles, 1960.
Card ID: 106
Author: No Author available
£HThPf EASTER (John D.) Chemical examinations of soils and incrustations. See BLiCE (w.P.) Report of a. geological reconnaissance in California, etc. (Appendix). Ievi York, 1858.
Card ID: 436
Author: MING (William Patterson)
Nfr\S CU1MING (William Patterson). See LEDERER (John). The Discoveries of John Lederer Crans— lated from the Latin by Sir William Talbot], with unpublished letters by and about Lederer to Governor John Winthrop, Jr. and an essay on the Indians of Lederer’s Discoveries by D.L. Rights and W.P. Cumniin. Edited with notes by W.P. Cumniing. Charlottesville, Va. and Winston— Salein,N.C., 1958.
Card ID: 47
wp DEY (JcIrn J.) A Golden treasury of Chinese pcetry: 221 classiéal pcenis. Tiànslated by’ John A. Turner, with notes and Chine téxts C&ii]ed and editedby John J. Deezy, with the assistance of Kenneth IC.B. Li. Hong Kong, 1976. See ‘lURNER (John Arthur).
Card ID: 473
G H.Y&ARDE (John). lea Reportee dcl oases In camera. ste1lata 1593 to 1609. From the original MS. of John Haward.e...Edited br W.P. Bai].don. pp. lxxv. + 502. Plates. 0 8 . [ondon] 1894. One of 250 copies private1yprinted for !cr. 1frcd 1iorrison.
Card ID: 126