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WOODWARD Parker a:woodward parker|k:0959 (3)
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Author: WOODWARD (Parker)
WOODWARD (Parker). F. Bacones works, acknowledged, viard.ed cr suspected. Catalogued In order of printed dte’. with notes. pp. (2) + 105. [o.—L.L.J 8°. London, 1912.
Card ID: 75
WOODWARD (Parker) c1 --‘--] C,(VIl I?dC C. 1? — — c-- Lt& L - V Tudor problems: essays on the historical and literary claims alleged to be ciphered. in certain Elizabethan and Jacobean books by means of the cipher ‘omnia per omniar - invented by Francis Bacon in 1578. pp. viii. 341. [D.L.L.] London, 1909. . CQ12TY [Another copy.) l (xIO ftc.rj [Second revised and augmented edition.j— pp. xvi. + 334. Po_its and elates. [D.—L.L. c.;y;i eca-v PMcc 0.• + [Another copy.] 8°. London, 1912. ‘ : .ii [sEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 82
— WOODWARD (Parker). Tudor problems, . fcontinued.1 rA proof copy of the second editim .3 [D.—L.L.]
Card ID: 83