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WOODHOUSE John Robert a:as john|k:to (john) (4)
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WOODHOUSE, John Robert
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Author: WOODHOUSE (John Robert)
XL? Bor WOODHOUSE (John Robert). See DDRGIII (Vincerzo ria). Scritti iriediti 0 ran sulla lingua. A cure di J.R. Wcodhouse. Bo1o’ia, 1971.
Card ID: 265
Author: No Author available
(kascs. (fl.Sc. ‘QLq WOODHOUSE (Robert). See DUBBEY (John Michael). Robert Woodhouse and the establishment oI a mathematical basis for the calculus. 1964.
Card ID: 274
(v’LSL. t% DUBBEY (John Michael). Robert Woodhouse and the establishment of a mathematical basis for the calculus. [With a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of M.Sc. of the University of London in 1964.] 157 leaves. 4° 1964.
Card ID: 313
HULL. UniversIty of Hull. Occasional papers in modern languages. tContinued) +. CURTIS (David Edward). Progress and eternal recurren& in the work of Gabriel Nauc1, 1600—1650. 1967. 5e 5. WOODHOUSE (John Robert). Italo Calvino: a reappraisal md an appreciation of the trilor [I ostri antenati]. 1968 6. IRESON (JohnC1if ford). Lamartine: a revaluation. 1969. 7. WHITBOIJRN (Christine Janet). The Arcipreste de XP Talavera and the literature of love. 1970. (PC 8. CROJ (Christine li.) Paul Valery and Maxwell’s demri: natural order and human posibility. 1972. Gc- 9. WILLIANS (David Anthony). Psychological determinism t4adarne Bovary. 197 [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 145