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WOOD Robert George Ernest in (ernest) (3)
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WOOD, Robert George Ernest
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Author: WOOD (Robert George Ernest)
f WGE woo Reference only WOOD (Robert George Ernest). A8riculture in Essex o.1840-1900 (in documents, ps, prints and pictures). Conpi1ed by R.C3. E. Wood. [ii.O plates idth explanatory notes.] (Essex Record Office Publications, 67. SEAX Series of Teaching Portfolios, 7.) pp.6. Chelmsford, 1975.
Card ID: 54
f WGE Woo Reference only WOOD (Robert George Ernest). Essex arid the French wars, 1793-1815 (in docixnents, maps, prints and pictures). Caupiled by iL G.E. Wood. (Essex Record Office Publications, 70. SEAX Series of Teaching Portfolios, 9. ) Pauphiet and 140 plates contained in a folder. Chelmsford, 1977.
Card ID: 55
Author: No Author available
ESS. County Council. Records Committee. Essex Record Office publications. [Continued.) - MJG 67. WCCI) (Robert George Ernest). Agriculture in Essex .‘Jo c.1840—1900. 1975. 68. ROWLEY (Iornian). Essex elections and the Grcat Icforn Bill. 1976. - 69. EMMISON (Frederick George). Elizabethan life. 3. ‘a .Ibaje, work & land. From Essex Wills and Sessions and Idanorial Records. 1976. 70. WOOD (Robert George Ernest). Essex and the French wars, L* 1793-1815. Compiled by LG.Eb Wood. 1977. 71. ]KISON (Frederick George). Elizabethan life. 4. Wills of Essex gentry & merchants. 1978. 72. (See fiche cntalogu
Card ID: 194