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WOOD, Peter Anthony
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Author: WOOD (Peter Anthony)
Los WOOD (Peter Anthony). see sncu (Kenneth 1rl) and WOOD (Peter Anthony). (aracter of a conurbation: a computer atlas of Birriligham and the mack Country. Enndon, 1971.
Card ID: 39
folio 53 MIOA Woo WOOD (Peter Anthony). Economic pJ.axining and the West Midlands. (University College London. çps.rtanent of ççgraphy. Occasional Papers, 15.) pp.16. Bibi., p and diagrs. London, 1973.
Card ID: 38
Author: No Author available
• C KftF4e,t4,.c. • Ios ROSING (Kenneth ri) and WOOD (Peter Anthony). Character of a conurist1on: a ccrnputer at1s of Eiruingham and the mack country. pp. 126. Bibi., mapa and endpaper s. London, 1971.
Card ID: 133
J.CNDON. [Ifl.J University of Lvndort. Universy CoUegç. Department of Geography. Occasional papers. [Continued.] r .ç3 Mt’.lOik 15. WOOD (Peter Anthony). Economic planning and the West Midlands. 1973. 16. ROBIISON (David Jaines).and THONAS (Teresa). New towns in eighteenth century northwest Argentina. 1973. 17. FLOWERD€W (Robin Timothy Nicholas). A Logic of locational descriptions: soce illustrations from the context of geographical. mobility. 1973. [SEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 212