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WOOD Ellen a:s william henry|k:it (william) (18)
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WOOD, Ellen
Author: WOOD (Ellen)
YN WOOD (Ellen), Mrs. Anne Hereford: a novel...Twenty-njnth thousand. pp. vi. + 452. 8°. London, 1889.
Card ID: 307
Y1\f £ / WOOD (Ellen), Irs. The Chanriings: a story,etc. pp. vi. + (2) + t5L. 8°. London and !1ew York, 1899.
Card ID: 310
(tx)Nc WOOD (Ellen), Mrs. Johnny Ludlow...First series. pp. vi. + 146L1.. 8°. London and )ew York, 1899.
Card ID: 317
YN WOOD (Ellen), Mrs. A Lifo?s secret: a story...Thirtieth thousand. vi. + 442.. 8°. London, 1889.
Card ID: 320
‘(iv J7 WOOD (Ellen), . Lord Oakburn’ s daughters. . .Tvientieth ditiOflb pp. vii. + 494. 8°. Lozion, 1888.
Card ID: 321
L yv ç WOOD (Ellen), The Master of Greylands: a novel... Twenty-fifth thousand. pp. vi. + 437. 8°. London, 1890.
Card ID: 322
WOOD (Ellen), . Mildred Arkell. . .Thirty—sixth thousand. 4-73. 8°. London. 1888.
Card ID: 323
‘IN W87 WOOD (Ellen), Parkwater, and other stories...Twentieth thousand pp. vi. + 460. 8°. London, 1890..
Card ID: 327
W7G- WOOD (Ellen), j4 Pomeroy Abbey: a romance. . .Twenty-first thousand. p.p. vi. ± 447. 80 London, 1890.
Card ID: 328
WOOD (Ellen), . The Red Court Farm: a novel...Thirtysecond thousand. pp. vL+ 479. 8°. London, 1889.
Card ID: 329
YN W87G WOOD (Ellen), Mrs. Roland Yorke: a sequel to ‘The Channings’, etc. pp. vii. + 1169. 80. London and New York, 1901.
Card ID: 330
WOOD (Ellen), St. Martin’s Eve a novel. 3 vols. 8°. London, 1866. [Another edition.] pp. vi. .i 8°. London, 1789.
Card ID: 331