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WOOD Alice Ida Perry a:s richard|k:s (richard) (2)
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WOOD, Alice Ida Perry
Author: WOOD (Alice Ida Perry)
Malcolm Morley Collection WOOD (Alice Ida Perry). The Stage history of Shakespeare’s Kir3g Richard the Third. pp. xi. + 187. Bibliography and tables. 80 New york, 1909. —LA reprint.] pp. xi + 187. Bibliography and tables. 8°. New york, 1965.
Card ID: 210
YL c7M WOOD (Alice Ida Perry). ee BRUEYS (David Augustin de) and PALAI’RAT (Jean), Sieiir cle Bigot. [Le Grondeur.— Enlish.J - The Grumbler: an adaptation by Oliver Goldsmith for Sir Charles Sedley’s translationJ. With introduction and notes by A.IP. Wood. Cambridge, Mass., 1931.
Card ID: 211