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WOLLASTON Alexander Frederick Richmond a:wollaston alexander frederick richmond|k:0956 (2)
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WOLLASTON, Alexander Frederick Richmond
Author: WOLLASTON (Alexander Frederick Richmond)
D EPOS ITOR WOLLASTON (Alexander Frederick Richmond). Life of Alfied. Newton, Professor of Comparative Anatomy,..Cambridge University, 1866—1907... With a preface by Sir A.Geikie, . [With a bibliography.J pp. xv. + 332. Portraits. 8°. London, 1921.
Card ID: 514
WOLLASTON (Alexander Frederick Richmond). Pygmies & Papuans: the Stone Age to—day in New Guinea.. .With appendices by W.R.Oilvie—Grant, A.C.Haddon and S.H.Ray, etc. [The official record of the British Ornithologists’ Union Expedition, 1909—li). pp. xxiv. i- 352. Biblio— graphie, plates, iiiap arid tablee. 8°. London, 1912.
Card ID: 515