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WOLFF Joseph a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (7)
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WOLFF, Joseph
AKE, Joseph Horace
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Author: WOLFF (Joseph)
CDL WOLFF (Joseph). See MACLEAN (Sir Fitzroy H.R.), Bart. A Person from England (Joseph Wolff) and other travellers [to Turkeatan]. London, 1959.
Card ID: 312
WOLFF (Joseph). Narrative of a mission to Bokhara, in the years 1843-i84,. to ascertain the fate of Co1ne1 Stoddart and Captain Conöfly... Second edition, revised. 2 vols. Portraits and plates. 0 8 . London, 184.
Card ID: 310
Author: AKE (Joseph Horace)
D1AKE (Joseph Horace). See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). Carnegie Endowment Lor International Peace. Division of Thternational aw. The Classics of International Law. Edited by J. B. Scott. 13. Jus gentium methodo scientificaper— tractatum. By C. Wolff, etc. (Vol. 2. The translation. By J. H. Drake.) London, 1934.
Card ID: 138
Author: No Author available
L- [.L(3 WOLFF (Joseph). Travels and adventures of the Rev J.Wolff... Second edition. 2 vola. Portrait. [8.R.] 8°. London, 1860—6]..
Card ID: 311
. —. ,. - ::i 2 KUERSCHR (Joseph). Deutsohe National—Litteratur, etc. [Continuea, J 31. WOLFF (ugen). Das deutsche Kirohenhied, des 16. und. 17. Jahrhunderts. Herausgegeben von E. Wolff. p. xxii. + 496. Portraits and facsimiles. 8°. Stuttgart, [1893. J
Card ID: 487
C. —. MACLEAN (Sir Fitzroy Eevi Royle), Bart. A Person from England (Joseph Wolff) and other travellers [to Turkestan]. [With a bibliography.) pp. 384. Portraits, plates, illus— trations facsimile and map. 8°. London, 1959.
Card ID: 141
---. •1 ••i.-. .1.. .ki -2 1JE1SCR (Joseph). Deutehe National-Litteratl2r, etc. [Continued.] 19. REYNRDT POX. [German.] Reinke de Vos und satirisohdidaktische Dichtung. (Teuerdank. Burkard Waldis. Erasmus Albarus. Georg Rollenhagen. Bartho1omtus Ringwaldt.) Herausgegeben von E. Wolff. pp. xliii. + 539. Illustrations. 8. Stuttgart, [1893.] [SEE NEXT CARD.:
Card ID: 473