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WOLF Paul a:a paul|k:will (paul) (9)



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    Author: WOLF (Paul)


    wJ Dew D WOLF (Paul). The Noun class system of Proto-Benue-Corgo. (Janua LIngusrum. Series Practica, 167.) pp. 200. Bibi. The Hague and Paris, 1971.

    Card ID: 41

  • card

    Author: WOLF (Icarl)


    DEeo$lTOftt WOLF (Icarl). 4ALLY (Ernst). Logische Sebriften: Grosses Logikfragraent; Grundgesetze des Soilens. Herausgegeben von Karl Wolf und Paul Weingartner, in Zuaaiunena arbeit mit Oswald Huber [and othersJ, etc. Dordrecht, 1971.

    Card ID: 92

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    Author: WE (Paul)


    WEGAR1WE (Paul). See MAILY (Ernst). Logisclie Schriften: Grosses Logikfragnent; Grvndgesetze des Sollens. Herausgegeben von. Karl Wolf urid Paul Weingartner, in Zusamnenarbeit mit Oawsld Huber [and others] etc. Dorr3recht, 1971.

    Card ID: 271

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    Author: No Author available


    WOLF? (Kurt August Paul). Brlefwechsel eines VerJ.egers, 19U—1963. Herausgegeben von B. Zeller und E. Otten. pp. 620. Plates, Frankfurt, 1966.

    Card ID: 320

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    Author: ALLY (1rnst)


    DEPOS7TQfl’ Z4ALLY (1rnst). Logis che Schriften: Grosses Logikfragment, Grundgesetze des Sollens. Herausgegeben von Karl Wolf und Paul Weingartner, in Zusanmienarbeit mit Oswald Hither [and others], etc. (Synthese Historical Library.) pp. 3Zi-7Bib1. port. Dordrecht, 1971.

    Card ID: 143

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    Author: No Author available


    xwT 1f114.F 975 WOLFFHEIM (Elebeth). See MOMBERT (Alfred). Brief e an Friedrich Kurt Benndorf aus den Jahren l9OO-l9.O. (Ausgewhlt und kanrmentiert von Paul Kersteri. Mit einer EinJeitung A1fred Mombertt von Hans Wolf fheim und einem Nachwort von Elsbeth Wolffheim.) Heidelberg, 1975.

    Card ID: 368

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    Author: No Author available


    PARIS. Sociétéde Linguistigue de Paris. Collection linguistique. [From No. 56 onwards the volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.) 56. GUIRAUD (Pierre). kangage rversifi— cation d’après l’oeuvre do Paul Val4ry. 1953. - 57. LESLAU (Wolf). tude descriptive et comparative du gafat <éthiopien mdridional). 1956.

    Card ID: 224

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    Author: No Author available


    2. ZETEMATA. Zeternata, (Continued.] - - .. -i-t ,(4Jw-1iitLJ 5. FRIEDRICH (Wolf R.) Euripides und Diphilos, etc. 1953. 6. SORETH (Mari. Der Platonische oiiI Hippias Major. 7. HATDEL (Paul). Beobachtungen zur epischen Tecimk des Apollonios Rhodios. l95Li.. - 8. STARK (Rudolf). Aristotei.ssudienA 1S 9. Z’1ERKELBACH (Reinhold). Die Quellen ds griechischen Alexanderromans. 1954. 10. MEYER (Carl). Die (Jrkunden im Gschichts. werk ‘‘ides. 1955. Li {SE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 483

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    Author: No Author available


    yl’ nfl ttr4ert.ttct i4j SHAKESPEARE (William). [Works.] The Folio Press Shakespeare. [Continued.] Slip—case 5. All’s well that ends well. Introduction and designs by Osbert Lancaster. 1963. Measure for measure. Introduction by Harold Hobson. Designs by Alix Stone. 1964. Ticuon of Athens...Introduction by Paul Scofield. Designs by Desmond Heeley. 1976. The Tragedy of King Lear...Introduction by Sir Donald Wolf it. Designs by Noguchi. (Third impression.) 1956 [1971. The Tragedy of Macbeth. . .Introduction by Sir Lewis Casson. Designs by Michael Ayrton and John tlinton. (Second edition, third impression.) 1951 [1973]. The Tragedy of Antony & Cleopatra...With an introduction by Sir Laurence Olivier. bes: tumes & scenery by Audrey Cruddas & Roger Furse. ourth impression.) 1952 [1975] [SEE NEXT CARD. 1

    Card ID: 179