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WO David a:an david|k:on (david) (6)
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WO, David
ENOWNE, David Gawen
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Author: WO (David)
RICA1WO (David). Rente, salaires et profits. supra: [On the Princp1es of Political Economy and Taxation.— Fren.J
Card ID: 444
Author: ENOWNE (David Gawen)
DEPOSlyQ y CHAM?ENOWNE (David Gawen). Uncertainty and estimation in eCOnC4nicS. (Mathematical &oricnicsTexts, 2-4.) 3 vols. Edinburgh and San Francisco 1969. . wo Ap.v. 9s4
Card ID: 93
Author: No Author available
H!S WO S NOT IN TH1 LIBRARY. Any rider knowrng of copy for sak is asked co mtorn, cb Lbrrio. AYALI (David), Studies on the Namlüks of Egypt1 1250-1517, (Variorwn Reprint, CS62, Coilected Studies Series.) pp.(36o). London, 1977.
Card ID: 480
Pf [ GLASGOW. University of Glasgow. [Ptzblications. 22. wo ancient Ing1ish scholars, St. Aldhelrn & William of Maliuesbury. Being the first lecture on the David Murray Foundation in the University of Glasgow, delivered on June 9th, 1931, by M. R. James. pp. 33. 8°. Glasgovi, 1931.
Card ID: 387
XIL5 Wo wi’ (ravid). See WOOJIMAN (Anthony John) and WT (David). Quality and pleasure in latin poetry. [An anthology of modern critician of six poets from the Golden Age, with texts and some translations. I Edited by Tony Woodman & tvid West. London and New York, l97ti.
Card ID: 294
GERMANISCIIE STUDIFi. Gerrnanische Studien, etc. [Continued.) “PuT t4 45. GOERTE (Erna). Der junge Tieck und die Auf3clHrung. 1967. 46. KOISCHWIT (Otto), Der Theaterherold im deutscben YXk Schauspiel des Hittelalters .und der Reformations-. I-OL zeit. 1967, X4. 47. WITZIG (Erich). Johann David Beil. 1967. K 48. LAPORTE (LuiBe). Lohensteins ‘Arminius’. 1967.L-’ 49. SCHMIDT (Arthur). Zuin Fortschritt der etyinologiachen )WO Erkenntnis des Deutachen in WôrterbUchern des 17. und 18. Jahrhunderts. 1967. 50. ULLMANN (Richard) and GOTI’HARD (Helene). Geschichte des1j Begriffes ‘romantisch’ in Deutachland. 1967. [si NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 671