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WITHER George a:a george|k:0778 (8)



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    Author: WITHER (George)


    fr%d WITHER (George), the Poet. A Collection of ernblenies,’ ancient and moderne, quickened with inetricall il1uatrtions, both inorall and divine, and disposed into lotteries, that instruction and good counsell may bee furthered by an honest and pleasant recreation... The first (—fourth) booke. [The engravings by Crispin Pass.] pp. (D) + 270 br rather, 266j + (jo). portrait. [D.—L.L.j £01. London, printed by AM. for R. Royston, 1b35, 1b34. Each book Ms a separate title—page followed by two unnwxfoered leaves containing dedicatory poems. The title— [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 520

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    Author: WITHER (George)


    NFl WITHER (George), the Poet. The History of the pestilence, 1625... Edited [from MS. 1999 in the Pepysian Iibrary, Magdalene College, Cambridge], with an introduction and notes, by J.M. French. [With a bibliography.] pp. xxxvii. + 112. Portrait and iacsimiles. 8°. Cambridge, Mass., 1932,

    Card ID: 529

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    Author: WITHER (George)


    I - WITHER (George) the Poet. A Preparation to the Psalter. ,.1619. (Manche 1884. MANCHESTER. Spenser 3ociet. {Pub1ications.37.

    Card ID: 537

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    Author: WITHER (George)


    WITHER (George), the Poet. Vax pacifica: a voice tending to the pacification of God’s wrath, and offering those propositions, Or conditions, by the acceptation, and per— torinance whereof...a firrne and continuing peace way be obtained...Directed to the King, Parliaments, and people of these islands... Disposed...into six books, or canto’s, whereof foure onely are contained in this volumne, and the other deterred to be hereafter published, as there shall be cause. pp. (124) + 200. !ig.2• [D.-L.L.] 8°. London, 16245. The first edition. Imterfect: wanting lee$J{ çp. 165—Io6).

    Card ID: 544

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    Author: WITHER (George)


    WITHER (George), the Poet. Wither’s motto. Iec habeo, nec careo, nec curo, (Faire—virtue, the mistresse of Phil’arete. A niisce].any of epigrams, sonxets, etc.) pp. (276). [D.—L.I.] — 12°. fT. Harper,] for I. Griemond: London, 1613. The general titlepege is engraved. Without pgination. Bound in a volume lettered: - Wither’s poernes.

    Card ID: 545

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    Author: WITHER (George)


    f) L L WITHER (George), Ejie BIBLE. Psalms. [English.— Miscellaneous Metrical Versions. J The Psalmes of David translated into lyrick—verse.. .and illustrated, with a short argunent, and a breife prayer ..,before & arter, euery psalme. By G. Wither. In the Netherlands, 1632.

    Card ID: 546

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    Author: WITHER (George)


    Yl W79a Een WITHER (George), the Poet. See )EIiSIEY (Charles S.) The Later career of George Wither. The Hague and Paris, 1969.

    Card ID: 547

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    Author: WITHER (George), the Poet, See TRAMER (Irma)


    WITHER (George), the Poet, See TRAMER (Irma), Studien zu den Antrigen der puritan— isehen Emblemliteratur in England Andrew Wiflet George Wither, etc. Berlin, 193Li..

    Card ID: 549