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WISE Thonas a:l c|k:c(’c) (1)



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    Author: WISE (Thonas)


    WISE (Thonas), Accountant. The ewest young 1an’s cowpanion, containing a coir.-. penlious english graiiar, instructions to write variety of hands...letters on coripliment, business, and...other occasions, forrns of indentures, wills... c., arithmetic and book—keeping...a conipendiu ot’ geography...tho nonagement of horses....tbe art of painting in oil an water colours...and an ng1ish.. dictionary. ...The ninth edition...enlared, etc. pp.iv. 4 402. Plate, fo1del map, and tables. [. k. L. J 8°. Serwick, 1773.

    Card ID: 339