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WISE John a:p |k:p (will) (5)
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WISE, John
WISE, Michael John
WISE, John, Pastor to a Church in Ipsvich,
WISE, John Richard de Capel
WISE, John Riohard’ de Cap?
Author: WISE (John)
WISE (John), Pastor to a Church in IpswichMass. A Vindication of bhe government of New-England churches, 171’. ..A facsimile reproduction with an introduction by P. lAiller. (Scho1ar’ ?aesimiles and Reprints.) pp. xvii. + 105 + 12. 0 8 . Gainesviile,F1a., 1958.
Card ID: 328
Author: WISE (Michael John)
53 KVC Smi Reference only WISE (Michael John). See SKITH (Wilfred). [An Sconomic qeography of Great &‘itain.) An Historical introduction to the economic geography of Great Britain. (First published Part 3. of ‘An economic geography of Great Britain.)...With an appreciation by M.J. Wise. 8. London, 1968.
Card ID: 335
Author: WISE (John), Pastor to a Church in Ipsvich, )
PTM1’ Wis WISE (John), Pastor to a Church in Ipsvich, )vs. The Churches quarrel espousel, 1713. • .A facsimile reproduction with an iritrodution by G.A.Cook. (Scholars’ Facsimiles & Reprints.) + 152. 80. Gainesville, Fla., 1966.
Card ID: 327
Author: WISE (John Richard de Capel)
((Jt) C —c WISE (John Richard de Capel). The 3eauties of Shakspere: a lecture delivered before the President arid members of the Royal Shakspearean Club, on the anniversary of the poet’s birthday, April 2, 1857, at the Royal Shakspearean Booms, Stratford—upon—Avon. pp. 19. 8. London and ratford—u9on—Avon, [1857].
Card ID: 329
Author: WISE (John Riohard’ de Cap?31)
Cvi) c -je’-te- oGp’: — WISE (John Riohard’ de Cap?31). Shakspere: his birthplace and its neighbourhood.. Illustrated by W.J.Linton. pp. (10) + 164. Frontispiece. 8°. ndon3 i86i.
Card ID: 331