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WINCHCOMB John to (john) (4)
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Author: WINCHCOMB (John)
i) LL-’ WINCHCOMB (John). , D., T. The Pleasant history of John Winehcomb... Now the ninth time imprinted, corrected, and in1ared, by T.D. [i.e. Thomas Deloneyj. London, 1633.
Card ID: 423
Author: No Author available
a D., T. The Pleasant history of John Winchcomb, etc. [Conti.nuedT Partiy in Black Lettei. Imperfect; wanting the titlepage and Leaf 1(1. The titlepage has been supplied in facsjnijle,
Card ID: 419
C%’IOcL.l DELOI]EY (Thomas). The Pleasant history of John Winchcomb. • .Now the ninth time imprinted, corrected, and inlarged, by T.D. [i.e. T.Deloney] London, 1633. D.,T.
Card ID: 249
t!i.—-’_. C’t) ijj . U., T. The-Pleasant history of John Winchcomb, in his younger yeares called Jacke of Newberie, the famous and worthy clothier of England, declaring his life and love, together with his charitable deeds and great hospitality, and how hee set continually five hundred pàore people at worke, to the great eneuit of the Common—wealth, worthy to be read - and regarded. Now the ninth time imprinted, corrected, and inlarged2 by T.U. [I.e. Thomas Deloneyj. pp. (b6). [D.—L.L.]4O printed by Robert Young. and are to be — aold by flithhrt Wright: London, 1633. [SEE NEXT CARD.)
Card ID: 418