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WILTSE Charles Maurice a:as john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: WILTSE (Charles Maurice)


    33 MI CAL WI’ WILTSE (Charles Maurice) John C. Calhoun, ètc. 3 vols. Bibliographies, portraits, plates and maps. ladianapolis and New York, 1944—51. 1. John C. Calhoun, nationalist, 1782-1828. 1944. 2. John C. Calhoun, nullifier, 1829-1839. 1949 3, John C. Calhoun, sectionalist, 1840-1850. 1951. [Another copy of vol. 1.] (t 2” -

    Card ID: 322

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    Author: WILTSE (Charles Maurice)


    TR?NS’EiRED TO NE1I 33 NF CATALOGUE • Wil WILTSE (Charles Maurice). The new nation, i8Oo—i45. (The Making of America, 3.) pp. ix, 237. Bibi. and maps. New York, 1961. [English edition.] pp. ix, 37. Bibi. and maps. itelbourne and London, 196. Revised editon. By John Mayfield. pp.63. 33 NF New York, 1982. iil May Temporary Catalogue Entry DC New ed.

    Card ID: 323