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WILSON Thomas a:thomas peter|k:is (peter) (38)



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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    1• WILSON (Thomas) Bishop o Sodor and Man. Maxims of piety and of Christianity...New edition, with prefaoe and notes by F. Reltan. (The Rnglish Theologioal Library.) pp., xx. .- 169. 8. London and New York, 1898.

    Card ID: 180

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    — WILSON (Thomas), Bishop oodpr and Man. The Principles and duties of Christianity: being a further instruction for such as have learned the Church catechirn. Together with short and plain directions and prayers for particular persons, families, the Lord’s Day, the Lord’s supper, the time ofsic1ess, etc pp. 131. {S.R.J 12°. London, 1845. Iktmd w.j.h; WAKE (W.I The Princip3 of’ th Christian reIii.ion explained.

    Card ID: 181

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    PSAG Ma Wi’ WILSON (Thomas), Blshon of Sodor and Man. The Principles and duties of Christianity; (being a ft.rther instruction for such as have learned the Church-catechism. For the use of the Diocese of Man. In English and Manks. Together with short and plain directions and prayers, 1707. LA facsi,ii1e reprint.] pp. (12), 136, 32. Scolar Press: Menston, 1972.

    Card ID: 182

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    WILSON (Thomas), Books eiier, Brcml ey. An Accu,ate description of Brornley, in Kent... inoludins? every thini interesting and a!nUsir2$ in that de1ishtfu1 part... and five miles round. etc. pp. 118. 11. I.] 12g. London, 1797. Imperfect; wanting t’!p1ate S.

    Card ID: 183

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    WILSON (Thomas), Ii. D., one of the lasters of ifer Maiestys Court of Reguests. See WILSON (Tj, Master of ‘St. Catharine’ s Hospital.

    Card ID: 187

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    Cc (‘1 i WILSON (Thomas), !aaster oIZ St.Catharine’s JIopita1. Actio contra Mariam Scotorurn reginam in qua ream & consciam esse earn huius parricidij necessarija arguinentis euincitur. [By T.Wilson?’J IARY, Qeenof Scot1an. De aria Scotoruni regina, totaque eius contra regent coniuratione.. .historia. [By G.Buchanan.] (Actio contra Mariam cotorum reginam, etc. ) London, 1571.

    Card ID: 188

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    WILSON (Thomas), Master of St. Catheriié.s Hospital. The Arte of rhetorique <1553>...A facsimile reproduction, with an introduction by R.H. Bowers. (Scholars’ Facsimiles .& Reprints.) pp. xii. ÷ 260. 8°. Gainesville,Florida, 1962.

    Card ID: 191

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    t’rcoi socit’3 WILSON (Thomas), of Cnterburv. A Christian dictionarie, opening the signification of the chiefe wordes dispersed generally through ilolie Scriptures of the Old and New Testament, tending to increase Christian knowledge. Whereunto is annexed: a perticular dictionary for the reue1ation of S.tohn, for the Canticles, or Song of Salomon, for the Epistle to the Hebrues. 2 parts in 1 vol. SO. printed by W.Iaggard: London, 1612. [SEE NEXT CARD.i

    Card ID: 194

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    WILSON (Thomas), of Jarnajea. See WILLSON (Richard T.)

    Card ID: 198

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    WiNbnCJ WILSON (Thomas), PhD., (Lond.) Fluctuations in income & èployment, with special reference to recent American experience and post—war prospects. [With a bibliography.] (London School of Economics and PoJitical Science. Studies in Economics and Commerce, No. 8.) pp. x. + 213. Diagrams and tables. 0 8 . London, 1942. TAV Third edition, (reprinted.) pp. x. + 217. Tables. 8 , New York and 19)9,

    Card ID: 200

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    TBB Wi’ WILSON (Thomas), Ph.D. (Lond.) Papers on regiona]. development. (By various authors.] Edited by P.Wilson. (Journal of Industrial Economics. Supplementary VoIiiñie, 2.) pp. xiv. + 130. Tables. 8°. Oxford, 1965.

    Card ID: 201

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    Author: WILSON (Thomas)


    WILSON (Thomas), Ph.D.. (Lond.) Sir Hubert Henderson, 1890—1952. [By various authors.] (Edited by T.Wilson.) Oxford, 1955. OXFORD ECONOMIC PAPF1RS. .Oxford economic papers. New Series. Supplement.

    Card ID: 202