WILSON (Sir Leslie Hugh) and wOMEPSIZ (John Levis)
folio 53 GT Sco
WILSON (Sir Leslie Hugh) and wOMEPSIZ (John Levis).
IrvIne New Town: final report on p1annin proposaJ.3.
A report to the Secretary of State for Scotland
by ssrs. Hugh Wilson and Levis Worriersley,
Chartered Architects and Town Planners, n
association with Jamieaon & !ckay, Consultant
Highway and Trff Ic Engineers, William GillespIe
& Asooiates, Landscape ArchItects • Iovember
fol • Edinburgh, 1967, reprinted; 1968.
See EIGL’ND. Departir.enta of State and Off Zcia.l BodIes. Scottish Develorment Department,
Card ID: