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WILLIS Bailey a:p |k:p (will) (2)
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WILLIS, Bailey
Author: WILLIS (Bailey)
EPO&ITORY WILLIS (Bailey). St,udies in ooniparat1ive seismo1oy. Earthquake conditions in Ohjle...Vlith contributions by J B. Maoelwane, P. Byeriy, J. Fe1sch, and H. S. Washinzton. (Oarneie Institution of Washington. Publioatien o. 3) pp. + 178. Plates, maps and diagrams. 40• Wash nto, 1c29.
Card ID: 20
EPO8ITORY WILLIS (Bailey). Studies in comparative seismology. East African plateaus and rift valleys. (With a bibliography.] (Carnecrie Institution of ‘1ashington, Publication No. 4O.) pp. x. + 38. Plates, maps, diagrams, charts and tables. 4. Washington, 1936.
Card ID: 21