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WILLIAMSON, George Charles
Author: WILLIAMSON (George Charles)
WILLIAMSON (George Charles). The Books of the Carthusians. See BIBLI OGRAPHICA. Bibliograpiiioa. Vol. III. pp. 212—231. London, 1897.
Card ID: 188
WILLIAMSON (George Charles). Catalogue of the collection of jewels and precious works of art, the property of J. Pierpont Morgan. 0. C. Williamson. London, privately printed, 1910. MOBGAN (J. P.)
Card ID: 189
WILLIAMSON (George Charles). Francesco Ralbolini. called Francia. [With a biblioaphy. (The Oreat Masters in Paint and Sculpture.) pp. xvi + 1J Plates. 0 London, lOl,
Card ID: 191
(P WILLIAMSON (George Charles). Guildford charities: a description of the various charities appertaining to the town and neighbourhood. pp. xvii. + 117. 8°. Guildford, 1931.
Card ID: 193
WILLIAMSON (George Charles). John Russell, R.A. With an introduction by Lord. Ronald Gower 1[and. a oatalogue of Russell’s pictures]. pp. x. + (2) + 82. Plates and illustrations. [D.—L.L.] 0 4 . London, 1894. NO. ii of 100 copies printed on large paper.
Card ID: 195
WILLIAMSON (George Charles). The Royal Grammar Scho1 of Guildford, i5O9 a record and review. pp. xii. + 172. Plates and facsjii1es. 8°. London and Gudfor, 1929. No. 153 of an edition of 35 conies, sIedby the author.
Card ID: 201
n [z - Sette] WILLIAMSON (George Charles). Some other odd volumes, etc. London, 1927. See LONDON. [III.) Sette of Odd Volumes. Privately printed opus cula, etc., 83.
Card ID: 204
WILLIAMSON (George Charles). See MA1NERS (Lady V. M. H.) and. WILLIAMSON (G. C.) Arge1ioa Kauffwann, R .A., .ej. London, 1924.
Card ID: 210