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WILLIAMS Henry Smith a:c 3 |k:c(c) (1)
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WILLIAMS, Henry Smith
Author: WILLIAMS (Henry Smith)
p1ography c \f)ii ioom WILLIAMS (Henry Smith). The History of the art of writit3g: (manusciipts, inscriptions and minirnents, oriental, classical, med4eval and modern, classified, described and reproduced in facsimile).. .With descriptive and explanatory text, etc. 4 vols. £l. New York, r1902—03]. t. The earlier forms of waiting and the deve1opnent of the oriental scripts. 2. Developnent of the Greek and Latin scripts. 3. Medieval series. 4. Illuminated MSS. of the Orient and autograph writings of modern Europe. f SEE NEXT CARD.
Card ID: 235