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WILLIAMS, Helen Maria
Author: WILLIAMS (Helen Maria)
1V1SO’’ NIL •WILLIAMS (Helen Maria). Letters written in France, in the summer 1790, to a friend in England, containing various anecdotes relative to the French Revolution, and memoirs of Mons. and Madame du F—— [Du Foss]...Th third edition. (Letters from France, containing many new anecdotes relative to the French Revolution, and the present state of French manners. — Letters foni France, containing a great variety of interesting and original information concerning the most important events that have lately occurred in that country, and particularly respecting tile campaign of 1792.) 4 vols. fs.n.j 12g. London, 1792—93.
Card ID: 217
M?P WILLIAMS (Helen Maria). Memoirs of the reign of Robespieri’e. pp. 208. Portrait plates and facsimile-s. 8°. London, C1929.] I-
Card ID: 218
IN W6930 WILLIAMS (Helen Maria). Poems...The second edition. 2 vols. Frontispiece. London, 1791.
Card ID: 220
- (J) j WILLIAMS (Helen Maria), LIlss. Le Règne de Robespierre...Traduit pour la premire fois de l’anglais par F.Funck—Brentano, (Moires et Souveis.) pp. 15. Portraits, jilustraticns and facsimIles tS.R.i 8°. Paris, £1909]. upd i a volume lettere&: La Famille royale auTenjple. Sous ,a Treur.etc. The nllsh workwas entitled tLontaini of the Dohitics of France”.
Card ID: 221
WILLIAMS (Helen Maria). See SAINT—PIEERE ( Paul and Virginia. Translated from the French. . 1by H.M. Williams. London, 1828.
Card ID: 223