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WILL rnest a:l ‘/i|k:l (‘i) (59)
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WILL, rnest
AXON, rnest
REHAUT, ]rnest
ET, rnest
ON, rnest Christopher
FIGUREY, !rnest
ES, !rnest
KIVR, rnest
NAVILLE, rnest
SOLVAY, rnest
T, rnest
YOUNG, rnest
ABRAHAM, Gerald rnest Heal
ATJDEN, John rnest
ER, rnest Albert
BAR(ER, rnest
BROOKS, Charles rnest Peiham
BROWN, !rnest !‘auIkner
OHADSIY, O]arles !rnest,
CHESMAN, Robet rnest
CLARK, Walter rnest
ES, rnest,’ enney
ETCEELLS, $rnest Finder
FAIOW, rnest Piokworth
FURST, Herbert £rnest Augustus
GARVIE, Aifred rnest
HOBSOI, ]rnest William
HONIGMANN, rnest Anseirn Joachim
HORN, Ernest
D, Robert rnest Augustus
LANGER, Rudolph rnest
ERYE, Pierre Paul rnest
MAPES, Roy rnest Adrian
PARRY, rnest Gambier
PEARCE, rnest Harold
CRPER, Alfred rnest
REAN, Joseph rnest
ENAN, Joseph rnest
RICH, iciwin rnest
SADLR, Sir Michael rnest
SCHWAZ, rnest Hubert Lewis
SICK, Alexander rnest
SIQERIST, Eenry rnest
ING, rnest ilnry
STEINBECK, John rnest
SVIINTON, rnest Dunlop
ISTRIM, rnest William
WILSON, rnest Henry
BENN, Sir rnest John Pickstone
CROFTS, John rnest- Victo-r
DOWSON, rnest ChristOpher and MOORE, Arur
HENLEY, William rnest and WHIBLEY, Charles
JTZ, Gustave Ijouis Richard and GOTIPIL, rnest
BUDGE, Sir rnest Alfred Thompson Wellis
LEGOUV, Gabriel Jean Baptiste rnest Wilfred
LGOUV, Gabriel Jean Baptiste rnest Wilfred
O, Gabriel Jean Baptiste rnest Wilfred
LOCK, rnest Warnock and ?FICKER, Cecil Vivian
TRAMERIE, Pierre Paul rnest ’Espagxiol de is
Author: WILL (rnest)
*c - L?J WILL (rnest). •lco Le i.)6dkathéon. ?aeis, 1955. See Lcole FranQajse dthnes. Exploration archo1ogique de D1os, 22.
Card ID: 8
Author: AXON (rnest)
AXON (rnest). §. LLkNOHi5T1R. Record Society-,eta. }Publicatjons. r L1.2. Manchester sessions: notes of i,rocedings. . .Edlted. E. Axon. Vol.1. 1616-1622—23. [Manchester), 1901
Card ID: 438
Author: REHAUT (]rnest)
REHAUT (]rnest). An Encyclopedist o the dar1 ages: Isidore of Seville. New York 1912. NEW YORK. Qgmbi Uerityz. Studies in history, economics and public law. Vol. 48. No. 1.
Card ID: 83
Author: ET (rnest)
COURT3ET (rnest). 0!! BLMY (J.) Posies fran?aises et latines...aveo notioe et notes par E. Courbet,. Paris 1918.
Card ID: 63
Author: ON (rnest Christopher)
DOW5ON (rnest Christopher). The Poems of Ernest Dowson. With a memoir by A. Symons...iilustrations by A. Beardsley and a portrait by V(. Rothenstein. pp. xxxviii. + 166. 80. I1ondon and New York, £1927.]
Card ID: 336
Author: FIGUREY (!rnest)
FIGUREY (!rnest). See RUSSIAN. •La sooIt6 russe..,Traduit par E. Pigurey, eto.. Parii 1877.
Card ID: 430
Author: ES (!rnest)
JO!ES (!rnest), PLD.Lond. See iENZES (K.) Autoerotic phenomena in adolesoenoe...With a foreword by Dr. E. JOflOS. London, 191g.
Card ID: 477
Author: KIVR (rnest)
P S { KIVR (rnest). A Greit poet in another art — i3eethoven. 3ee LONDON. [III. isce11anoua Institutions, Societies, etc.] Roja1 Society of Li. terature. Transactions, etc. (New series.) Essays by divers hands, etc. Vol. 2. pp. 107—129. London, 1922.
Card ID: 66
Author: NAVILLE (rnest)
72 clZ NAVILLE (rnest) Les Systmes de philosophie ou les philosophies affirn&dves. (j.b1iotheaue de Philosophie Contenoraine.) pp. 400. [L.V1.L.] 6. Pavi, 1909.
Card ID: 196
Author: SOLVAY (rnest)
f7 SOLVAY (rnest). Hommage national a Ernest Solvay: inauguration du inonument 16 octobre, 1932. pp. 4’?. Plates4 0 • Brussels, l93.
Card ID: 153
Author: T (rnest)
STEIEII, (Adolph) and VOlT (rnest). Applied optics: the computation of optical BystemB...PranBlcLted arid edited by J.W. French. 2 vole. Folded diagrams. 8°. London, 1918—19.
Card ID: 91
Author: YOUNG (rnest)
\f • YOUNG (rnest),. The Kingdom o the Yellow Robe: being sketohes of the dornestio and religious rites and oeremonies of the Siamese... Third edition. pp. xvi. + 408. Illustrations. 8°. London, 1907. S
Card ID: 266