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WILKS Thomas Egerton a:as john|k:to (john) (8)
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WILKS, Thomas Egerton
Author: WILKS (Thomas Egerton)
Malcolm Morley Collection WILKS (Thomas Egerton). Bamboozling: an original farce in one act. [1885.) oics (John), Dicks’ standard plays, 627,
Card ID: 515
Malcolm Morley Collection WILKS (Thomas Egerton), Oousin Peter: a farce in one act an one scene. tlBa4.) DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard plays, 552.
Card ID: 519
Malcolm Morley Collectiofl WILKS (Thomas Egerton). The Devil’s in it: a romantic draza in three acts, fi S85.) § DICKS (John). jcks’ Standard Plays, 649.
Card ID: 521
Malcolm Morley -‘ Collection “I” WILKS (Thomas Egerton). The Railroad station: a farce in one act. [1884.) DICKS (John), flicks’ standard plays, 524.
Card ID: 538
Malcolni Morley Co11ectio WILKS (Thomas Egerton). The $Loll of the drum: a romantic drama in three acts. [1886?] DICKS (John). Dicks’ Standard Plays, 706.
Card ID: 540
Malcolm Morley Collection 1 / WILKS (Thomas Egerton). My valet and I: a farce i. one act. ti 686.] See DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard plays, 770.
Card ID: 535
Malcolm Morley j CoIltion WILKS (Thomas Egerton). My wife’s dentist: an original farce in one act. [1884.1 DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard playa, 524.
Card ID: 536
Malcolm Morley Iy — Collection I ‘ WILKS (Thomas Egerton). rnTis he Or, the Maid, the wife, and the widow: an original farce in one act. 11886.) DICKS (John). Dicks’ standard plays, 750.
Card ID: 545