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WILKINS John a:on john|k:0799 (10)



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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    D38 wil WILKINS (John), Bishop of Chester. The Discovery of a world in the moone, 1638... A facsimile reproduction (of a copy in the British Museum) with an introduction by barbara Shapiro. pp.(215). Oeln.r, N.Y., 1973.

    Card ID: 322

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    WILKINS (John), Bishop of Chester. F.- J.4c ) An Eesay towards a real character and a philosophical language. (An Alphabetical dictionary wherein all English words... are either referred to their places in the philosophical tables or explained by such words as are in those tables.) 2 parts in 1 vol. flates and folded tables.. fol. For S.Geflibrand and J.Martyn: ‘Londçn,. 1666. There is:a.separate titlepage and register to Part 2, the Alphabetical dictionary, which is unpaginater. Snme of the engraved plates are printed o 0th sides of the leaf. [SEE I’IEXT CARD.)

    Card ID: 323

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    f WA Wi’ WILKINS (John), Bishop of Chester. An Essay towards a real character, arid a philosophical language. (An alphabetical dictionary, wherein all English words according to their various significationa, are either referred to their places in the philosophical tables, or explained by such words as are in those tables.) 1668. (Scolar Press Facsimile.) 2 parts in I vol. Meriston, 1968.

    Card ID: 325

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    WILKINS (John), Bishop of’ Chester. The Mathematical and philosophical works of the Right Reverend John Wilkins, [Continued.] [Another copy. j 7kb. BAGOLSO0TY Imperfect; wanting the portrait, the general titlepage, “The life of the author” and the engaved titlepage to “The discovery of a new world.” a

    Card ID: 327

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    PK7 WILKINS (John), Bishop of Chester. The Mathematical and philosophical works of the fiigh Reverend John Wilkins, etc. [Continuedr ____- [Another edition.] 2 vols, Illustrations and diagrams. De M.} 8°. gii 1802. The jjortrait published in the previous edition has been mot.mted and Inserted as a frontis—

    Card ID: 328

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    i\i WILKINS (John), ishop of Chester. Mathematicall magick; or, The wonders that may be performed by znechanicall geometry. In two books, concerning mechanicall powers [and] motions. Being one of the most easie, pleasant, usefull part of mathematicks...By i.W., M.A. Li.e. John Wilkins). pp. (i)+) + 295. I11ustratp. 8t. fj.rited by 11.?. foS.Ge134and: london 161+8. The dedication is sj&_Jowj,kjns. 1tjng jg.M (blank. [Another Copy-.) H.P.L. [Wilkins) Wanting sig.A1 (br Rare Books Gale [sEe NEXT CaRD.]

    Card ID: 329

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    / WILKINS (John), Bjshpp of Chester. IL, . Sermons preacb’d upon several occasions before L the King at Whjte—ball...To which is added a discourse concerning the beauty of Provi— dence...The second edition. pp.(10) + 176. Portrait. 8° London, 1680.

    Card ID: 336

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    •AkLfL WILKINS (John), Bihp of Chester. See CROWTHER (Jaies Gerald). Founders of British science: Jo ‘3ilkins,Robert Boyle, John Ray, Christophe’r Wren, Robert Booke, Isazc Newton. London, 1960.

    Card ID: 337

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    Author: WILKINS (John)


    J3P Web WILKINS (John), Bishop of Chester. See WEBST (John), Chaplain to the Army. LAcademiarum Examen .J Science and education in the seventeenth century; the Webster—Ward debate. (Vindiciae academiarum; containing some briefe animadversiona upon Hr Websters book, stiled, The examination of academies. Together with an appendix concerning what N. Hobba,and 1. Dell have published on this argument. [Signed H.D. i.e. Seth Ward. With a preface siied N.S. i.e. John Wilkins,]) [Facsimile reprints with an introduction by] Allen G. Debus. London and New York, 1970.

    Card ID: 340

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    Author: WILKINS (Henry John)


    OEPO$ITORI WILKINS (Henry John). Westbury Co1lee from a. 1194 to 1)44 A.D., with notes on the lives of John Carpenter, Henry Sarnpson,and Vi11iam Canynges. pp. 208. Facsimile and folded charts. 8, Bristol and London, i917.

    Card ID: 315