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BOH, John Wilkes
Author: WILKES (John)
MVRH WIL WILKES (John), M.P. The Controversial letters of John Wilkes.. .the Rev. John Home, and their principal adherents • With a supplement, containing material anonymous pieces, etc. pp • 320. 80. London, 1771.
Card ID: 221
I’( / ç Ij I L— WILKES (John), M.P. Letters from the year 1774 to the year 1796... addressed to his daughter...With a collection of his miscellaneous poems. To which is prefixed a memoir of the life of Mr. Wilkes, etc. 4 vole. Portraits. 12°. London and Edinburgh, 1804.
Card ID: 222
WILKES (John) The Correspondence of John Wilkes and Charles Churchill. Edited, with an introduction [and a bib1iographr], by E.H.Weatherly. pp. xxvii. + 114:. 8 New York, 1954.
Card ID: 223
f? Q - • WILKES (John),.P. The Con.tributions of John Wilkes to the “Gazette littéraire de l’Europe”. [Edited] by L.I.Bredvold. [Ann_Arbor], 1950. S€e ANN ARBOR (MICHIGAN). University of chian. The University of Michigan Contributions in Modern Philology. 15.
Card ID: 224
Pteua Library 34 WILKES (John), A Letter to Samuel Johnson, L.L.D. fBy J. Wilkes.] London, 1770. JORNSON (Samuel), LL.D. [False Alarm. — Appendix.]
Card ID: 226
Porteua Iibrary 34 WILKES (John), M.P. [Appendix.] The Speech of a right honourable gentleman [George Grenville), on the motion for expelling Mr. Wilkes...February 3, 1769. The third edition. pp. 54. 8°. London, 1769.
Card ID: 227
V l:• I( wz WILKES (John), . BLEACKLEY (H. W.). Life of John Wilkes. London, 1917.
Card ID: 229
WILKES (John), iii1P See CATULLUS (C.V.) Eworks. — Latin.] C.V.Catullus. Recensuit Johannes Wilkes, Anglus. Lond.on, 1788.
Card ID: 230
Lq, WILKES (John), See ROGERS (James ET.) Historical glea1nga: a series of sketche8. Wiklif, Laud, Wilkes, Home Tooke...Second series. London, 1870.
Card ID: 234
Author: BOH (John Wilkes)
Malcolm Morley Càllectiou BOH (John Wilkes). See BOOJH, afterwards GIMKE (Asia Frigga). The Unlocked book: a memoir of John Wilkes Booth. 1933.
Card ID: 502