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WILDE Oscar a:d louis|k:in (louis) (41)
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WILDE, Oscar
Author: WILDE (Oscar)
Yo WILDE (Oscar). [two or More Works.) Salomd. [French text. With a bib].iography.]1 La sainte courtisane. A Florentine tragedy. [Preface by R. Ross.] pp. xix. ÷ 160. 8. London, 1927.
Card ID: 506
W6iE 95l WILDE (Oscar). [Two or I4re WorkB.] The Picture of Dorian Gray. De profundis. (The bdern Library, 125.) pp. viii. + 357. 8°. New York, 195b.
Card ID: 507
STERLING L1BRARV iJ1 L\!t - REFERENCE ONLV WILDE (Oscar). The Importance of being earnest: a trivial comedy for serious people. By the author of Lady Windermere’s fan [i.e. Oscar Wilde). pp. (16) + 151. 4°. London, 1899. No. 63 of 100 copies on large j,aper signed by the author. S.L.C. , I. 1011. ——[Another €ditionj pp. x. + 181. Makolm Morley ioa oO [London], 1910. Collection
Card ID: 523
4 WILDE (Oscar). Lord Arthur Savile’s crime & other torios. pP. (3) + 168. IL. I.] 8°. London, 1891.
Card ID: 527
-l: : V0 WILDE (Oscar). Phrases and philosophies for the use of the young. pp.11. 80. London, printed for private circulation, 189+ [c.19O5. Lo,Lfl of 75 copies printed. Pirated edition.
Card ID: 528
STRLflG LIBRARY REFERENCE OLY WILDE (Oscar). The Picture of Dorian Gray. pp. vii. + 334. 8. London, [1891]. First English edition. S.L.C., I. 1008.
Card ID: 529
Y0 w61iE 96 WILDE (Oscar). The Pictire of Dorian Gray. Urfassun 1890... KrItische Neuausbe mit einer Einfthrung von Wilfried Edener. (E1anger Beitr zi.zr SpracheundKunstwissenschaft , 18) pp.xliv, 172. Nuremberg, 196i.
Card ID: 531
‘10 v4& WILDE (Oscar). [The Picture of Dorian Gray — Appendix.] See 1IASON (Stuart), pseud. [i.e. Christopher S. MILLARD.] Oscar Wilde, art & morality: a record of the discussion which followed the publication of Dorian Gray. (Ievi revised edition, with additional matter.) London, 1912.
Card ID: 532
WILDE (Oscar). Poems...Together with his Lecture on the English renaissance, etc. pp. 216. 8. Paris [or rather, London], 19O3 A pirated edition. According to the certificate of limitation No. 179 of 250 copies.
Card ID: 534
9Oi WILDE (Oscar). [Salome.— English.J Sálome: a tragedy in one act. Translated from the French of Oscar Wilde [by Lord Alfred Douglas 1. pp. 65. 80 London and New York, 1906.
Card ID: 538
0 W6T 911 Reference only WILDE (Oscar). [Salome.-English.] Salxne: a trageriy in one act. Translated from the French of Oscar Wilde by Lord Alfred Douglas]. pp. 6. London and New York, 1911.
Card ID: 539
“lO * J (L1—” 9s7 WILDE (Oscar). [Salome. — English.] Salorne. Translated [from the French] and introduced by R.A.Walker. Illustrations by A.Beardsley. pp. 107. 8°. [London], 1957.
Card ID: 541