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WILCOX John a:to john|k:to (john) (7)
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WALLACE, Alva Dayle
Author: WILCOX (John)
WILCOX (John). [Appendix.] Studies in honor of John Wilcox by members of the English Department, Wayne State University. Edited by A.D.Wallace Land] W.O.Ross. [With a bibliography of Wilcox’s writings.] pp. xiv. + 269. Portrait. 0 8 . Detroit, 1958.
Card ID: 408
Author: No Author available
ROSS (Wood.burn 0.) See WILCOX (John). [Appendix.J Studies in honor of John Wilcox by members of the English Department, Wayne State University. Edited by A.D.Wallace 1rid) W.O.Ross. Detroi, 1958.
Card ID: 488
Author: WALLACE (Alva Dayle)
y:371 WALLACE (Alva Dayle). - WILCOX (John). [Appendix.] Studies in honor of John Wilcox by members of the English Departments ‘Iayne State University. Edited by A.D.Wallace [and] W.O.floss. Detroit, 1958.
Card ID: 489
[Joi c,c. PRESCOTT (Joseph). A Preliminary checklist of the periodical ublications of Dorothy M.Richardson. Reprinted from Studies in honor of John Wilcox by members of the English department, Wayne State University, 15.] pp. 219— 225. 80. [Detroit, 1958]. Catalopued from the caption.
Card ID: 231
PRIN - New Yorki WILCOX (John A.) A Review of the North Panerican Chrysomeline leaf beetles (Coleoptera: Chrysorneliäae). pp. 37. Albany, 1972. In ALBANY. University of the State of New York. New York State Museum and Science Service. Bulletin 12l.
Card ID: 410
PR [K - New York) WILCOX (John A.) A Synopsis of the North Mzerican Ga1erucinae (Coleoptera: Chrysômelidae). pp. iv. + 226. Bibliographies and plates. Albany, N.Y., 1965. 2ee kLBPNY. University of the State of New York. New York State Kuseura. Bulletin No. boo.
Card ID: 411
NEFJ U3a JNITED STATES OF A1ICA. [Congress. - Temporary National Economic Committee.J Investigation of concentration of economic power... I4onograph[s). [Continued.) 20. Taxation, recovery, and defense. ([By] H. Dewey Anderson.) 1941. 21. Competition and monopoly in American history. ([By) Clair Wilcox.) 1941. 22. Technology in our economy. ([ByJ Lewis L. Lorwin and John H. Blair.) 1941. 23. Agriculture and the national economy. ([By] Albert L. Heyers.) 1940. 24. Consumer standards. ([By] Samuel P. Kaidanovsky and Alice L. Edwards.) l91. [s NEXT cARD.]
Card ID: 103