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WILCINSON Sir John Gardner a:on john|k:0959 (1)



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    Author: WILCINSON (Sir John Gardner)


    DEPOSITORy WILCINSON (Sir John Gardner),. The L’anners and, customs of the ancient Egyptians... Illustrated by drawings, etc. 3 vole. (A second series of the Lianners and cu,stoms of the ancient Egyptians. 3 vole.) 6 vols. [L.I.] 50, London, 183’7—41. Lr &;] )u4IJ Second edition [of the fiz4st series. Another copy of the second. series). 6 vole. Plates and illustrations. 8. ‘London, 1842,41. DEPOSITORY A new edition, revised and corrected by 8. Birc 3 ois. 8. London, 1878.

    Card ID: 446