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WHYTE John a:on john|k:0959 (7)
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LVILLE, George John Whyte
MELVILLE, George John whyte—
VILLE, George John Whyte-
ELVILLE, George John Whyte-
NELVILLE, George John Whyte—
E, George John Whyte—
Author: WHYTE (John)
WHYTE (John), jbrariiof the Trierness Public Library. MACBAIN (A.) and WHYTE (J.), Librarian ofi rnvernss Public Libra Hcw to learn Gaelic, etg. nverness, 1902.
Card ID: 502
Author: LVILLE (George John Whyte)
4Lfl4 1&LVILLE (George John Whyte). Black but comely; or, the Adventures of Jane Lee. 3 vols. 0 8 . London, 1879.
Card ID: 472
Author: MELVILLE (George John whyte—)
C MELVILLE (George John whyte—). Bones and I; or, the Skeleton at home... Illustrated by A.Forestier. (tand & Water’1 Edition.) pp. 259. Plates. 8°. London, [. 1905].
Card ID: 475
Author: VILLE (George John Whyte-)
Cc) O! &IEL,VILLE (George John Whyte-). Cerise: a tale of the last century...Illustrated by G.P.Jacomb-Hood. (“Land & Water1’ Edition.) pp. 534. Plates. 8°. London, [C. 1905].
Card ID: 477
Author: ELVILLE (George John Whyte-)
!1ELVILLE (George John Whyte-). The Gladiators: a tale of Rome and Judaea.. Illustrated by J.A.Walton. (“Land & Water” Edt1on.) pp. 523. Plates. 8°. Lndon, (c. 1905].
Card ID: 482
Author: NELVILLE (George John Whyte—)
Cx i c) uUJJ NELVILLE (George John Whyte—). Riding recollections. • .Illustrated by J.Charlton. (and & Water” E4ition.) pp. 248. plates. 8°. Lndon, (c. 1905].
Card ID: 492
Author: E (George John Whyte—)
C MELVILI,E (George John Whyte—). Uncle Jobn....Illustrated by S.E.Waller. (t!Land & Water” Edition.) pp. 351. Ptates. 8°. London, 10. 1905].
Card ID: 500