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WHITNEY Geffrey a:john john|k:to (john) (2)



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    Author: WHITNEY (Geffrey)


    LL F3[hi38-t , 4 WHITNEY (Geffrey). A Choice of emblemes , etc. [Continued.] [Another issue of the facsimile of the 1586 edition and the additional plates, with a new titlepage, and without the letterpress containing the editorial matter by M.Green.] pp. (24) + 230 + 63 plates. L.P. [D.—L.L.] 4°. IManchester printed] for private distribution only, it66. One of four copies de u from spare phcto thographjc_sheets left over after the publication of the ordi1arv lare—paper edition. [SEE NEXT CARD.]

    Card ID: 213

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    Author: WHITNEY (Geffrey)


    5 WHITNEY (Geffrey). A Choice of emblémes, etc. [Continued.] With a specially pr.nted titlepag. Presentation COPY from Henry Green to John Payne Collier. with an inscription by. Green on the flyleaf, and a letter fiom him to Collier, relating to the gift, inserted in the volume,

    Card ID: 214