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WHITMAN Walt a:in joseph|k:in (joseph) (3)
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BEAVER, Joseph
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Author: WHITMAN (Walt)
ITL le WHITMAN (Walt). See BEAVER (Joseph) a Walt Whitman: poet of science. New York, 1951.
Card ID: 161
Author: BEAVER (Joseph)
YTL BEAVER (Joseph). Walt Whitman: poet of science.. [with a biblioaphy.] pp. xv +178. 0 8 • New York, 1951.
Card ID: 428
Author: No Author available
STUDIES IN AMERICAN LITEIATURE. Studies in American literature. [Coitinued.) 8°. Mouton & Co.: The Hague and Paris, 1964, etc. SCZ PDi C4Tht”4u 26. JANSSENS (G.A.M.) The American literary review: a critical history, 1920—1950. 1968. -. ccr cP14m2 C,*m(.)ff 27. GALLLY (Joseph). From Alamo Plaza to Jack Harris’s saloon: 0.Henry and the Southwest he knew. 1970. $ Co?ttrr t47LIk4t( 28. SNYDER (John Rudolph). The !)ear love of man: tragic and lyric communion in Walt WhItman. 1975. 29. LaiiOOD (Marvin J.) Conrad Richter’s America. 1975. i-.’ ,,- [SEE NET CARD.)
Card ID: 260