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WHITLEY William Thomas a:on william|k:it (william) (3)
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WHITLEY, William Thomas
WHITLEY, WillIam Thomas
Author: WHITLEY (William Thomas)
L°-°J7’ WHITLEY (William Thomas). The Contribution o nonconformity to ethication until the Victorian era. (Paper read to the Baptist Historical Society. Reprinted from the Educational Record. June, t9i.) pp. 16. 8. London, 19I.
Card ID: 90
Author: WHITLEY (WillIam Thomas)
1’ N & WHITLEY (WillIam Thomas). The Doctrine of Grace. By [various authorsi... Edited by W.T. Vthitley. With an introduction by the Archbishop of York. pp. xi. + 395 + (1). 0 8. London, 1932.
Card ID: 91
OPOS1OIY: WHITLEY (William Thomas)., SiYTH (J.), Fellow o Ohrist1s Coi1eg, The Works of John Snth,.With notes and 1iograp3y br V1, P.. Thit1ey. CanIhide, 1915,
Card ID: 94