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WHITE howard Burton white (howard) (4)



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    Author: WHITE (howard Burton)


    PR Whi WHITE (Howard Burton). Copp ‘d hills towards heaven: Shaicespeare arid the classical polity. - (Archives Internationales d’:-Iistoire des Idees, 32.7 u. 155. - The Hague, 1970.

    Card ID: 480

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    Author: WHITE (Howard Burton)


    6 ACF a Whi WHITE (Howard Burton). Peace among the willows: the politica]. philosophy ot’ Francis con. - (Archives Internationales d ‘His toire des Idees, 2L.,) pp. bC. 30, The Hague, 1968.

    Card ID: 481

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    Author: No Author available


    Whi S1SPEA.RE Illiwn. [Apcend.ix. - CrIticism.) See WHITE (Howard Burton). Copp ‘ci hills toward. heaven: Shakespeare and the classical polity. The Hague, 1970.

    Card ID: 164

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    Author: No Author available


    ARCHIVFS INP1RNATIONALES D’HISTOIRE DES IDEES. [Continued.] 31. ANGERS (Julien-Eymard dO. L’Humanisme chrétien au XVIIe siècle: St. Frai2ois de Sales et Yves de , Paris. 19?cD. 32,, WHITE (Howard Burton). Copp’d hills towards heaven: Shakespeare and the classical polity. 1970. 33. OISCAMP (Paul J.). The Moral philosophy of Georg, Berkeley. 1970. ( 34. N0RTA (Carlos G.). Juan Luis Vives. 1970. 35. O’HIGGINS (James). Anthony Collins: the man and j his works. 1970. SEE IEXT OARD.)

    Card ID: 296