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WHITE Samuel a:on samuel|k:0468 (4)
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WHITE, Samuel
BAK, Sir Samuel White
MKER, sir Samuel White
BAKEB, Sir Samuel White
Author: WHITE (Samuel)
;: t L& ITZ O WHITE (Samuel), M.D., o London. Soc DIOGENES, Laertius. The Lives, opinions, and remarkable sayings of the most famous ancient philosophers...!zde English by several hands [i.e. T.’etb.erstone S.Thite, and others]. London, 1696.
Card ID: 173
Author: BAK (Sir Samuel White)
11 EPÔlTO ft BAK (Sir Samuel White). Wild beasts and their ways: reminiscences of Europe, Asia Africa, and America. 2 vols. Plates • [L 1.i 8. London, 1890.
Card ID: 267
Author: MKER (sir Samuel White)
0U3 Bra MKER (sir Samuel White). See BRADIUM (Frederick). The Long walks: journeys to the sources of the White Nile. [An account of three expeditions undertaken by Richard Burton and John Speke, John Speke and James Grant, and Samuel and Florence Baker, with selections from the explorers’ journals.] London, 1969.
Card ID: 268
Author: BAKEB (Sir Samuel White)
BAKEB (Sir Samuel White). See JAMES (F: i,.) The Wild tribes of the Soudan...Second edition, with...a chapter on Khartoum and the Soudari by Sir S. Baker, etc. Lc, 1884.
Card ID: 269