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WHITE, Richard Grant
Author: WHITE (Richard Grant)
WHITE (Richard Grant). Memoirs of the life of William Shakespeare, with an essay toward the expression of his genius, and an account of the rise and progress of the English drama. pp. xi. ÷ 425. 80. Boston and London, 1865.
Card ID: 154
:— vii) WHITE (Richard Grant). Shakespeare’s scholar, being historical and critical studiesof his text, characters, and commentators, with an examination of Mr. Collier’s folio of 1632. pp. xliii. + 504. 80. York, 1854.
Card ID: 155
WHITE (Richard Grant). See O’CONNOR (WLi) Hamlet’s note—book. [A reply tç R. G. White’s attack on Mrs. H. Pott’s edition of Bacon’s Promus.j Boston and New York, 1886.
Card ID: 157
NH C WHITE (Richard Grant) rsC See SHAKESPEARE (Wi11i) [Viorks3 The Works of William Shakespeare. The plays edited froi the folio of MDCXXIII, etc. By R.G.Thite. Boston, 1865,
Card ID: 158