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WHITE John Williams to (john) (2)



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    Author: WHITE (John Williams)


    XFL A73Ha Whi WHITE (John Williams). The Scholia on the Ayes of Aristophanea. With an introduction on the origln, development, transmission, and extant sources of the old Greek comeentary [by Didjrnus and others] on his comedies. Coliected and edited by J.W.White. pp. cxii. + 378. 8°. Boston and London, i9lLi.

    Card ID: 64

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    Author: No Author available


    x1 A73Ha Whi ARISTOPHANES, the Poet. [Ayes. — Appendix.) See WHITE (John Williams). The Scholia on the Ayes of Aristophanes. With an introduction on the origin, development, transmission, and extant soirces of the old Greek commentary [by Didymus and others] on his comedies. Collected and edited by J.W.White. 8°. Boston and London, 1914.

    Card ID: 41