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WHITE James a:an james|k:0847 (7)
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WHITE, James
WHITE, James Frederick
WHITE, James George
WHITE, James Herbert
WHITE, James Renfrew
WHITE, James Waiter
WHITE, Reginald James
Author: WHITE (James)
- WHITE (James),Newspap.r Agent. Falstaffts letters by J.White. Originally published. in 1796 and now reprinted verbatim et literatim. With notices of the author collected from C.Lamb, L.Hunt, and other contemporaries. pp. xxvi. + xxiv. + 123. 12°. London, 1877.
Card ID: 16
Author: WHITE (James Frederick)
WHITE (James Frederick). The Development of the moving boundary method for the separation of mxtures of eleotrolyte and a oonsderation of its applicability to the separation of iso types.. Submitted.. .f or he degree of Doot,& of Philosophy,..Columbla Unlversit,y. pp. 40. 8. 2Thrk 1t24
Card ID: 19
Author: WHITE (James George)
DEPOSITORY WHITE (James George). History of the three Royal Exchanges, the Gresham Lectures and Gresham Aimshouses. pp. 91. 8°. London, 1896.
Card ID: 21
Author: WHITE (James Herbert)
DEPOSITQ WHITE (James Herbert).. Tront watershed survey: •a r’3oonn.issano. By O,flT4owe and J.FI.VThit’. Ottawa, 1913. See CANADA. fleprtmonts of’ State arid Offiojal Bodies. ConisIon of Coriseiation
Card ID: 23
Author: WHITE (James Renfrew)
SE17S1Tc) WHITE (James Renfrew). See BROCA (A.) Disabilities of the locomotor apparatus, the result of war woi.uids...Translatec3. by J.R.White, etc. London, 1918.
Card ID: 25
Author: WHITE (James Waiter)
Fl im Whi WHITE (James Waiter). The Flora of Bristol: being an aecount of all the flowering plants, ferns., and their allies that have at any time been found in the di8trict of the Bristol coal-fields, etc. pp. viii. + 722. Bibliography, p1atJid folded map. 80 Bristol and London, 1912. 4
Card ID: 26
Author: WHITE (Reginald James)
L9e WIii WHITE (Reginald James). Dr Bentley: a study in academic scarlet. pp • 303. Portraits, plates, illustrations and facsimile. 80. London, 1965.
Card ID: 147