
Search Term (count):

WHITE Charles a:as william|k:it (william) (4)



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    Author: WHITE (Charles)


    HD9 Hun WHITE (Charles), Dr HUNTER (William), ., F.R .S. Bunter ‘a Lectures of anatomy. [A facsimile of a manuscript transcription of lecture notes taken down in shorthand by Charles White of Manchester in Hunter’s course which began January 20, 1752.) Amsterdam, 1972.

    Card ID: 352

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    Author: WAND (John William Charles)


    WAND (John William Charles), successively Archb of Brisbane, ishop of Bath and Wells and Behop of trndon. White of Carpentaria. pp. 112. Portraits, plates nd map. 0 • 8 . London, [1949].

    Card ID: 15

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    Author: HUNTER (William)


    RD9 Hun HUNTER (William), M.D., F.B1S. Hunter’s Lectures of anatony. [A fe.csintile of a iznuscript transcription of lecture notes taken down in shorthand by Charles White of Manchester in Hunter’s course which began January 20, 1752. 1 pp. (3i2). Amsterdam, 1972.

    Card ID: 140

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    CA!BRIDGE (MASSACHUSEPT). Harvard University. Harvard studies in business history. [Prom No. 17 onwards volumes in this series are fully catalogued under the authors.] 17. EWING (John S.) and NORTON (Nancy P.) ZGroad1ooms and businessmen. 1955. • • 18. TOOKE{ (Elva). Nathan Trotter. 19. WHITE (Gerald T.) A History of the Massachusetts Hospital Life Insurancr1p.jJ’ Company. 1955. 20. PARISH (William J.) The Charles Ilfeld NF Company: a 8tUdy of the rise and decline of mercantile capitalism in New Mexico. 961. 3EE NEXT CkRD.)

    Card ID: 90