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WHITE Beatrice Mary Irene a:john john|k:to (john) (3)
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WHITE, Beatrice Mary Irene
Author: WHITE (Beatrice Mary Irene)
WHITE (Beatrice Mary Irene). The Eclogues, life, and literary activities of Alexander Barclay. [With a bibliography. Typewritten thesis submitted for the degree of M.A. of the University. of London in 1926.] 5o8 leaves. fol. 1926.
Card ID: 330
WHITE (Beatrice Mary Irene). See LO]DON. [III. Misce11aneou Institutions, Societies, etc.) Early English Text Society. [lioations.J Orgina1 Series. 187. The Vu].garia of John and the Vulgaria of Robert \‘Jhittinton. B. White. London, 1932.
Card ID: 334
WHITE (Beatrice Mary Irene). See LONDON. Eni. 1iscel1aneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Shakespeare Association. Shakespeare Association facsimiles. 1. A Dialogue concerning witches and witcheraftes, 1593. By 0. 01ff ord With an ihtroduction by Beatrice Thite. London, 1931.
Card ID: 335