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WHITBY Daniel whitby (daniel) (4)



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    Author: WHITBY (Daniel)


    WHITBY (Daniel), & Disua3ive rrow enquirirg into the ctoctrine of the Trinity, etc. By 0. ‘Nhitby. I London, t714. i PRiNipy.

    Card ID: 272

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    Author: No Author available


    -I Lj9 4 TRINITY. A Dissuasive from enquiring into the doctrine of the Trinity; or, the Difficulties and discourageaents which attend the study of that doctrine. In a letter to a friend. [By Daniel Whitby.) pp. 43. (D.—L. L.] 8°. London, 1714. Bound in a volume lettered; Tracts Trinity, I.

    Card ID: 161

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    Author: No Author available


    & — c.7 7 WHITBY (Daniel), D.D. A Paraphrase and corn1.ienry on the New Testnent, with a treatise on the millenium, an index, and tables...A new edition, revised and corrected. ondon, 1809. BIBLE. ppendix. Ifiscellaneous. A Commentary upon the Old end New Testaments, etc. Vole. 6—7.

    Card ID: 273

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    Author: No Author available


    ci’.r 7O ENGTAND. [Church of England. -Appendix.] Agreement betwixt the present and the former government; or, a Discourse of this monarchy, whether elective or hereditary? Also of abdication, vacancy, interregnurn, present possession of the crown, and the reputation of the Church of England. (An appendix.) [By Francis Fuliwood.) ENGLAND. [Appendix. - History & Politics. - General.) A Coll&?ction of state tracts,etc. Vol. I. pp. 409—39. London, 1705. trib to ood in Ralkett& Laingto Daniel Whitby in the Bodleian Libraycaoe, Bicha Washington b Archbis .n his own copy, nQwjn Christ Church LibrarM xford.

    Card ID: 269