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WHEATLEY Henry Benjamin a:an benjamin|k:0478 (7)



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    Author: WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin)


    t’I WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin). Historical portraits: some notes on the painted portraits of celebrated characters of England, Scotland and Ireland. (The Connoisseur Serie.) pp. xii. + 276. Portraits. 8°. London, 1897.

    Card ID: 268

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    Author: WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin)


    WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin). Later reliques o1 old London. Drawn in lithography by T.R. Way. With an introduction and descriptions by fI.B. Y(heatley. pp. (8) + 109 + (1). Plates. 40• 1897. No. 19S of 280 copies printed. Signed bi_e artist.

    Card ID: 272

  • card

    Author: WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin)


    t WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin). Beliques of old London. Drawn in lithography by T.R. Way. With an introduction and descriptions by 11.13. Wheatley. pp. (8) + 109. 4. Lpndon, 1896. No. 87 of 27 cpies printed. Siy the artist.

    Card ID: 278

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    Author: WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin)


    DEPOSITQftf I’’ WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin). o.rnd about Piccail1y and Pal]. La11; .o; a 1arnble from the Haymarket to Hyde Park, consisting of a retrospect of the various changes that have occurred in the court end of London. pp. xi.+ 405. Plates and illustrations. 8? London, ).S7O. A letter frorr the author and_some newspper cuttjs .re inserted. {See next card.]

    Card ID: 280

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    Author: WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin)


    WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin). GOMME (Sir G.L.) and WEEATLEY(H.B.) Chap-Books and folk-lore tracts, edited by G.L.Gomme and EI.B.Wheatley. First Series. London, 1885.

    Card ID: 289

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    Author: WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin)


    WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin). See LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Early English Text Society. [iEiicatione. J Originar Series 5. Of the orthographic and. oongruitie of the Britan tonguo...Edited from the original MS. in the British M1sei1n1, by H. B. Wheatley. london, 1865.

    Card ID: 292

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    Author: WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin)


    i(U E Ot4 WHEATLEY (Henry Benjamin). LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Ooniesday Coinemoration Comnitt ee. Domesday Commemoration, i086 A.D.—1836 A.D. Domed:.’- studies. .With a bibliography o’ Doaesdtty Book (edited by H. , rhcat1ey) etc. London and Xw York, 1888—91.

    Card ID: 294