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WESTAWAY, Frederic William
Author: WESTAWAY (Frederic William)
DEPOSITOR WESTAWAY (Frederic William). bsessjons and convictions of the human intellect. [With bibliographies.) pp. xi. + (5) +528. Plates, illus— trations, diagrams and tables. Nrry Price Liirary 8°. and 1938. For Rcfcrcncc Only [Another copy. J Ii.P.L. [Westavay.)
Card ID: 443
WESTAWAY (Frederic William). Science and theology: their common aims and methods. [With a bib].iograp1y-.J pp. xiii. +346. 1920.
Card ID: 445
DEPosITOR WESTAWAY (Frederic William). Science teaching: what it was, what it is, what it might be. LWith a bibliography.] pp. xxii. + 442. 8°. London and Gias, 1929.
Card ID: 446