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WEST William a:will peter|k:is (peter) (2)
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WEST, William
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Author: WEST (William)
WEST (William), Bishop of Capetown and Metropo’itan. A Charge delivered at the opening service of the sixth Synod of the Diocese of Capetown, in the Cathedral Church of.St. George, on St. Peter’s day, June 29, 1880. pp. (2) ÷ 28. 0 8 . Cape Town, 1880.
Card ID: 423
Author: No Author available
LONDON. University of London. queen Mary College. Department of Geography. Occasional papers. [Continued] ç €2. 1.SJ( At Ic 8. ATKINSON (Bruce Wilson.). Urban effects on precipitation: an investigation of London’s ii4fiuence on the severe storm in August 1975. 1977. 2 1: LI.? WRIGHT (Lawrence William) d wsTAn (Peter J.) The -‘ V Vegetation of mediterranean France: a review. 1977. 1O,:EVARD (Cyril s.) Valley direction and eomorphologicalfS evolution in West Cornwall, Jngland. 1977. 11. OGDEN (Philip Ernest). Foreigners in Paris: residential ic 1) segregation in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. 1977. CSEE NEXT CARD.]
Card ID: 431