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WEST William a:ray william|k:it (william) (6)
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WEST, William
WTY, William Henry West
WEST, William Anthony
Author: WEST (William)
WEST (William), Bishop of Capetown and Metropo’itan. A Charge delivered at the opening service of the sixth Synod of the Diocese of Capetown, in the Cathedral Church of.St. George, on St. Peter’s day, June 29, 1880. pp. (2) ÷ 28. 0 8 . Cape Town, 1880.
Card ID: 423
WEST (William), Bookse1l. The History, topography and directory of Warwick shire; inclusive of some portions of the ancient histories of Rous, Camden, Speed, and Dugdale, with curious memoirs of the lives of these early English writers, ete, pp. xiii. + 800, 1ates and folded map. 8°. Birmingham, 1830.
Card ID: 424
P:tJ WEST (William), F.L.S., and (George Stephen). A Monograph of the British Desniidiace. London, 190L4.-22. 3ee LONDON. [III. Miscellaneous Institutions, Societies, etc.] Ray Sooiet. [Pub11catioi] 82, &, BW,. 91,
Card ID: 426
FLO Wes WEST (William), of Bradford, Yorkshire and (George Stei,hen). The Alga-flora of Yorkshire: a complete account of the laiown freshwater algae of the county, etc. (Botanical Transactions of the Yorkshire Natura1ists’Uziion, 5.) pp. 239. 80. Leed.s, 1901.
Card ID: 427
Author: WTY (William Henry West)
Malcolm Morley Collection C WTY (William Henry West). ‘ The Wonderful theatrical progress of W.}{en.West Betty, the infant Rosciu , , .By an impartial observer. - n. d. 0
Card ID: 536
Author: WEST (William Anthony)
3 SJG H5 Wes Beference only WEST (William Anthony). The Law of housing... Foi-th edition by Keith Davies. pp.xxxi, 3.5. Bib].. London, j97),
Card ID: 431