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WEST Clarence Jay west (clarence jay) (6)
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WEST, Clarence Jay
WEST, Clarence Jay and HULL, Cailie
Author: WEST (Clarence Jay)
WEST (Clarence Jay). List of seismological stations of the world. Second edition...By H.E.McComb and CJ.West. Washington, 1931. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). National Academy of — Sciences. National Research Council. Bulletin of the National Research Council. No. 82.
Card ID: 289
WEST (Clarence Jay). Fellowships and scholarships for advanced work in science and technology. Second edition. Compiled by C.Hull and C.J.West. Washington, 1929. —— Third edition. Compiled by C.Hull and C.J.WesL Washington. 1934. - See WASHINGTON (COLUIA). National Academy of Sciences. national Research Council. bulletin of °tnal Research Council. Nos. 72, 94.
Card ID: 287
WEST (Clarence Jay). For uHandbook of scientific and technical societies and institutions of the United States and Canada”, compiled by C.J.West and others: j See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Bulletin of the National Research Council. Nos. 58 and 76.
Card ID: 290
WEST (Clarence Jay) and RISHER (Ervye L.) Industrial research laboratories of the United States...Third edition, etc. •Washingtoi, 1927. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). National Aca,demy of Sciences. NatiônaI Research Council. Bulletin of the National Research Council. No. 60.
Card ID: 293
WEST (Clarence Jay). Funds available in the United States for the support and encouragement oi’ research in science and its technologies. Second edition. C.Hull anc O.J.West. Washington, 1928. —— Third edition. C.Hull and C.J.West. Washington, 1934. See WASHINGTON (COLUMBIA). National Academy ot Sdence Nat,iona.j Research CouncTI Bulletin of th Nt.inr1 Research Council. — Nos. 66, 9.
Card ID: 288
Author: WEST (Clarence Jay) and HULL (Cailie)
WEST (Clarence Jay) and HULL (Cailie). Industrial research laboratories of the United States. . .Fourth edition, etc. Washington, 1931. Fifth edition, etc. Washington, 1933. See WASHINGTON (COLUNBIA). National Academy of Sciences. National Research Council. Bulletin of the National Research Counc” Os. 81, 91.
Card ID: 292