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WENDEBORN Gebhardt Friedrich August a:e |k:on (e) (2)
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WENDEBORN, Gebhardt Friedrich August
Author: WENDEBORN (Gebhardt Friedrich August)
Porteus Library S7 WENDEBORN (Gebhardt Friedrich August). MUENTER (Baithasar), the Elder. A Faithful narrative of the conversion and death of Count Struensee...To which is added, the history of Count Enevold Brandt (by J.Hee)...The whole translated from the original German [by G.F.A. Wendeborn), e,. London, 1773.
Card ID: 16
flofr(S C) WENDEBORN (Gebhardt Friedrich August). I 1%. See MUETER (5althasar), the Elder. A Narrative of the conver3ion and death of Count Struensee, formerly Prime Minister of Denmark.. .Translated from the German in 1774 by the Rev. Mr. Wendeborn, London, 1824.
Card ID: 18