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WELL, Oliver
Author: WELL (Oliver)
-•1c, _j % 10 CRC?1WELL (Oliver), Lord Protector of the Corn nwealtb of England, Scotland and Ireland. [Appendix. — Biography and Criticism. — I. General.] Ii Short critical feview of the political life of Oliver Cromwell, Lord Proteotor...By a Gentleman of the Middle—Temple LJ.Banka ]. The third edition, carefully revised, etc. pp. 359. 12°. London, 1747.
Card ID: 68
ELTOT-PHEL!PS IflVLN CRo — — I CRO1WELL (Oliver), Lord Piotector of the Comrnnwealth of England, Scotland and Ireland. [Appendix. —B1rapby and Criticism. — I. General.J MENDES SILVA (Rodrigo). Parangon de los dos Cromueles de Inglaterra [i.e. Thomas Cromwell, Earl of Essex, and Oliver Cromwel]. Madrid, 1657.
Card ID: 87
CRO1WELL (Oliver)., Lord rotectQr f the Comraonwealt of x1and Scotland and Ireland. [Appenctix.—iograpby anã Crit3Tm. See IAOMIGLIANO (Eucardio)4 -I. General.] Cromwell...Translated from the Italian by L.E.Marshall. London, [l9OJ.
Card ID: 89
CRO!tWELL (Oliver), Lord Protector oLth Commonwe1th Qf giand, Sco1 ‘. and Ireland. LAppendix.-Bioraphy and Criticism.—I.General.] VILLEMAIN (A.F.) ilistoire d Cromwell, . Brussels and Lige, 1839.
Card ID: 102