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WEIR, John
WEIR, Sir John
Author: WEIR (John)
WEIR (John), Geologist. Jurassic fossils from Jubaland, East Afrioa...and the jurassio eo1oy of Sornalilancl, etc. Glasrtow, 1929. See GLASGOW. Universitr of Glasgow. —. rPubIttrons.J 13. Monographs of the Geolcgioal Depart— rnent of the Himterian Museum, Glasgow University. 3.
Card ID: 375
WEIR (John). Geologist. Mesozoic brachiopoda and mollusea from )dfombasa. See GLASGOW. ______________________ university of Glasgow. [Ptiblieations. J 1’7. Monographs of the Geological Department of the Hunterian Museum, Glasgow University. 4. Reports on geological collections from the coastlande of Cenya Colony made by M. MeK. Wood, etc. pp. 76— 102. — Glasgow, 1930.
Card ID: 376
Author: WEIR (Sir John)
WEIR (Sir John). See HOBHOUSE (R. w.) • Life of C. S. Hahnernann, founder of hon16eopathy...wjth a preface by Sir 3. Weir. London, [19)3].
Card ID: 377